Wisconsin Civil Process Group, Inc.

On March 9, 2005 a number of Law Enforcement Process personnel got together and informally formed a Civil Process Group. This group is made up of Process Servers, Administrators, Support Staff and anyone involved in the service of legal papers.
(Law Enforcement only)
The goal of this group is to facilitate communication among law enforcement agencies and provide an information base. The group meets quarterly and we attempt to move the meetings around the state so everyone can participate. The involvement of each agency is based on your individual needs and availability. Some agencies attend the meetings, some are just part of an email group and some have been involved in every aspect of the group.
There are no requirements to become part of the group, other than being part of a law enforcement agency. Our annual conference has been very well attended and can be a valuable training and resource tool for all personnel involved in Civil Process.
In 2017, the group made the decision to become an official Association in Wisconsin. It currently consists of a Board of 9 Directors who are elected to a 3 year term. The purpose of the Association is to educate and inform personnel involved in Civil Process in Wisconsin, and to be a resource for Civil Process Divisions.